North Bend Rails-to-Trails Foundation, Inc.
Trail Events
The North Bend Rails-to-Trails Foundation, Inc. hosts two annual events each year. The first is national Celebrate Trails Day in April and the second is a luminary walk in June at the North Bend State Park.
The North Bend Rails-to-Trails Foundation, Inc. also participates in other events held in Harrison, Doddridge, Ritchie and Wood counties. Below is a list of events were you can find us handing out information and selling souvenirs. Look for our booth at the following events.
Luminary Walk - May 31, 2024 (North Bend State Park, Ritchie County)
Ephraim Bee Festival - September 7, 2024 (Doddridge County Park)
Volcano Days - September 27-29, 2024 (Mountwood Park, Wood County)
Salem Apple Butter Festival - October 3-5, 2024 (Salem, Harrison County)