North Bend Rails-to-Trails Foundation, Inc.
Doddridge County
Greenwood: Exit Rt. 50 at Greenwood exit. Access the trail behind the WV Department of Highways garage and the Greenwood Motel.
West Union: Exit Rt. 50 onto Rt. 18 N. The longest bridge of the trail is visible as you approach West Union. Access in town at the west end crossing. Parking available near the map board and fix-it station.
Smithburg: Exit Rt. 50 at Smithburg exit and turn right at the bottom of the hill onto Smithton Road. Proceed almost 1/2 mile to the Smithton Depot and Spencer Park.
Mile Markers
43.1 Crossing County Route 50/6
43.8 Town of Greenwood (elevation 856 feet), parking area on trail
44.0 Picnic table
44.5 Crossing County Route 36 (Duckworth Road)
45.7 Crossing County Route 36 (Duckworth Road), picnic table
47.8 Town of Central Station (elevation 815 feet)
48.0 Picnic table, map board, parking north of trail, crossing County Rt. 10
48.3 Crossing County Rt. 1/1
48.3 Bridge #25 Arnold Creek
49.1 Picnic table
49.3 Crossing County Rt. 11/8 (Tunnel Hill Road)
49.5 Tunnel #6 Central Station tunnel (longest on the trail)
50.0 Rest area, camping shelter with picnic table, pit toilet
50.1 Bridge #24 over old U.S. Rt. 50
50.8 Paved portion of trail begins
51.0 Trailhead, parking in marked area, map board
51.5 Bridge #23 over State Rt. 18 & Middle Island Creek (longest bridge on the trail)
51.5 Parking along the trail east of the bridge
51.6 Paved portion ends
51.7 Bridge #22 over Middle Island Creek
52.0 Picnic table
53.0 Picnic table
53.6 Bridge #21 over Middle Island Creek
54.1 Smithburg (elevation 794 feet), Smithton Depot, picnic table, map board, Spencer Park with
shelter and picnic area
54.2 Crossing County Rt. 50/9, parking along trail east of crossing, bike fix-it station
54.4 South side of trail, bridge across Middle Island Creek and tunnel under US Rt. 50 to food and
Doddridge County Park with camping
54.5 U.S. Rt. 50 bridge overpass
55.0 Bridge #20 over Buckeye Creek
56.0 Bridge #19 over Buckeye Creek
56.9 Bridge #18 over Morgan's Run
57.9 Bridge #17 over Buckeye Creek
57.9 Crossing County Rt. 15 (Long Run Road)
58.0 Picnic table
58.1 Tunnel #4 Long Run
58.8 Tunnel #3 (abandoned)
59.3 Crossing County Rt. 38/1
60.2 Bridge #16 Buckeye Creek
60.3 Crossing County Rt. 38 (Long Run Road)
61.6 Crossing County Rt. 38 (Long Run Road)
63.6 Crossing County Rt. 38 (Long Run Road)
63.8 County Line Doddridge/Harrison County